Transformers animated comic
Transformers animated comic

transformers animated comic transformers animated comic

Blitzwing and Lugnut arrive on Earth searching for Megatron, while Blackarachnia targets Optimus Prime, blaming him for her techno-organic mutation. Megatron's disembodied head, which has been in Professor Sumdac's laboratory since the ship crashed, comes back online and manipulates Sumdac into building him a new body, pretending that he is an Autobot. The Autobots settle into their new home and learn about Earth culture and customs, all of the while defending Detroit from various threats.

transformers animated comic

At the end of the pilot episodes, Starscream arrives on Earth and tries to take the all-powerful AllSpark for himself, but the Autobots successfully stop him and save the Earth once again. They befriend Professor Sumdac's young daughter Sari, who teaches them about Earth customs, and whose security card is transformed into a supercharged key which possesses a fraction of the AllSpark's vast power. Optimus Prime and the Autobots awaken from stasis and defend the people of Detroit from a monster, resulting in them becoming local celebrities. In the year of 2008, Professor Issac Sumdac is the CEO of a robotics company known as Sumdac Systems, which is based in a futuristic version of Detroit. The Autobots go into stasis to survive the crash, while the scattered remains of Megatron are discovered by a human scientist named Isaac Sumdac. Megatron attacks the Autobot ship and tries to retrieve the Allspark, but when an explosive planted on Megatron by the treacherous Starscream detonates, the ship crashes on Earth. The Autobots take the Allspark back to their ship, but are soon confronted by a crew of Decepticons led by the notorious warlord Megatron and consisting of Blitzwing, Lugnut, Blackarachnia, and Starscream. Stellar-cycles (years) after the Autobots won the great war for Cybertron against the Decepticons, an Autobot maintenance crew led by Optimus Prime and consisting of Ratchet, Bulkhead, Prowl, and Bumblebee discover the legendary Allspark buried on an asteroid.


The series began with a pilot called "Transform and Roll Out!". Main article: List of Transformers: Animated episodes Pilot episodes In addition, the Japanese version was slightly rewritten to tie into the live-action Transformers film series. Despite this, the series features many references to the other continuities such as footage from the Generation 1 series being used as a historical film. The show is set in its own stand-alone continuity, separate from any other previous Transformers continuities.


In Japan, the show debuted on April 3, 2010, on both TV Aichi and TV Tokyo. The series debuted on Cartoon Network on December 26, 2007, and ended on running for 42 episodes across three seasons. It was produced by Cartoon Network Studios and Hasbro and animated by The Answer Studio, Mook Animation, and Studio 4☌ (shorts). Transformers: Animated is an American superhero animated television series based on the Transformers toy line. Entertainment Rights Distribution (International)

Transformers animated comic